Author: steven

NURTURING RECONCILIATION: BHM – Lessons from Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass is known as the great abolitionist and statesman but what many do not know is that he was a preacher in the African Methodist Zion church. As a preacher an ex-slave, and a prominent leader in the abolition movement, Douglass had some piercing 

NURTURING RECONCILIATION: BHM – Galatians, the Gospel and Celebrating Black History Month

This week, VJN invited Steve Schenk, church planter of Vineyard City Church/Buffalo to reflect on Black History Month. Why would a White man write an article celebrating Black History? Thats a fair question, but I think the answer is obvious enough.  A better question, however, is 

NURTURING RECONCILIATION: BHM: History Matters so Don’t Believe the Hype

I have heard from multiple sources that Christianity was forced on slaves – that it was the white man’s religion. It was only given to black slaves to make them more docile. This is not the truth. The truth is religion is much more complex 

NURTURING RECONCILIATION | BHM: My struggle to write as a black evangelical

To kick off our blog series for Black History Month, and before we get too far in to it, Ramon Mayo starts us off with the tension of the great ‘both/and’.  The ‘both/and’ he wrestles with here is the celebration of his uniqueness as a 

NURTURING RECONCILIATION: Celebrating Black History Month

NURTURING RECONCILIATION: Celebrating Black History Month

In the US, February is known for several things to celebrate. When I recently asked several colleagues about what we celebrate in America during February, I got a few answers.   Valentine’s Day was by far the response of most.  This was followed by a