Tag: compassion

Sermon Spotlight: A Equipped Church by Jeanine Blount

Sermon Spotlight: A Equipped Church by Jeanine Blount

“An equipped church is a church that can change a city” It takes an equipped church to change a city, a family a neighborhood… Though what is an equipped and an equipping church? How do we get there, how do we get to be those 

NURTURING RECONCILIATION: BHM – Lessons from Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass is known as the great abolitionist and statesman but what many do not know is that he was a preacher in the African Methodist Zion church. As a preacher an ex-slave, and a prominent leader in the abolition movement, Douglass had some piercing 

Tending Our Roots, Growing Toward the Future

Did you know that John Wimber, the founder of the Vineyard movement, once said that the purpose of the Vineyard movement could be summed up with two words: “worship” and “compassion“? With that inspiration, we’ve been working on some exciting new developments that will help