First VJN Meet-Up at VUSA Nat’l Conference // July 2013

Do you already work to fight human trafficking, to end poverty, or engage with creation care? This July,  join us at the Vineyard USA National Conference to network with like-minded Vineyard pastors and leaders, as well as learn about the mission and goals of the new Vineyard Justice Network (VJN).

Register for the event:

No, we’re are not promoting any particular ministry, nor are we trying to start a non-profit for Vineyard USA. Instead, we’re focusing on bringing together our Vineyard church pastors and leaders who are already tackling one of the three targeted areas: HT, poverty, and the environment. VJN offers a new space to have conversations that either aren’t happening, are happening in isolation, or are sporadic. Within our movement in particular, we so rarely even celebrate or highlight the significant justice work that is going on in our Vineyard churches. We recognize that it is essential for existing Vineyard pastors and leaders to shape the conversation in an “inside-out”/ incarnational approach, rather than a “top-down”/”authoritarian expert” approach.

Please join us for an encouraging and envisioning time together, with snacks and drinks.

So, what is the Vineyard Justice Network (VJN)?
Beginning in 2008 at the Vineyard Anti-Slavery Team (VAST), the Vineyard justice network is a new initiative that aims to champion three key entry points into structural injustice: human trafficking, poverty, and the environment. VJN invites churches and people into understanding the interconnectivity of injustice and God’s heart for holistic, long-term justice. Just as these issues of injustice are interconnected; thus our joining in God’s justice response must be equally integrated. VJN brings together the wisdom of our shared experience in serving and standing in solidarity with the poor and the least-of-these, and offer that wisdom – along with many easily-accessed resources for getting started and growing in this missional approach – to all of our churches.

In particular, part of the leading edge of VJN points to the question: what does it look like and mean for the poor to lead the way in ending poverty? This can be reframed to: what does it look like and mean for the exploited to lead the way in ending exploitation, the trafficked to lead the way in ending trafficking, the homeless to lead the way to ending homelessness, the undocumented immigrant to lead the way in immigration reform, for consumers to lead the way in becoming stewards of creation.

You’ll also learn more about our November Leaders Summit in Chicago, IL.

We’re looking forward to meeting you!

Register for the event:

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