SPOTLIGHT: Sunrise Outreach Center in Yakima, WA

SPOTLIGHT: Sunrise Outreach Center in Yakima, WA

VJN Steering Committee member Dave Hanson sat down with Vineyard USA to share how God called him and his wife into a Kingdom journey of justice. Originally posted on Vineyard USA, as a part of the August 2018 Vineyard USA Magazine. 

The Cross and Lynching Tree – A Conversation with Ramón Mayo

The Cross and Lynching Tree – A Conversation with Ramón Mayo

In this podcast, VJN talks with Ramón Mayo about the key themes and theological principles in James Cone’s “Cross and the Lynching Tree.” How does Cone help us to discover a new way of looking at the cross in America, especially today? How does the 

Sermon Spotlight: A Equipped Church by Jeanine Blount

Sermon Spotlight: A Equipped Church by Jeanine Blount

“An equipped church is a church that can change a city” It takes an equipped church to change a city, a family a neighborhood… Though what is an equipped and an equipping church? How do we get there, how do we get to be those 

Watch: Webinar on Calling, Discernment, and Work

Watch: Webinar on Calling, Discernment, and Work

webinar on calling, discernment, and work HOW TO DISCERN YOUR CALLING AND NOT QUIT YOUR DAY JOB “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” — Frederick Buechner Does it feel like you were made 

VJN Recommends: Slow Kingdom Coming, Kent Annan

VJN Recommends: Slow Kingdom Coming, Kent Annan

In the face of a world groaning for peace, advertisements bombard us with promises of quick-fixes and opportunities for “Insta-activism.” For many of us within the VJN community who have humbly sought to participate in God’s work of loving mercy and doing justice, we know