Fall 2024 Online Cohorts: Learn more!

Fall 2024 Online Cohorts: Learn more!

Info sessions for Fall Online Cohorts!

This fall, VJN is piloting fall online cohorts through partnerships–like-minded organizations and ministries that we believe can help equip and resource our Vineyard leaders, pastors, and churches in the work of doing justice locally. Join an info session to learn more!

A Rocha USA, September 10, 6-7pm EDT: Churches of Restoration, a year-long program to support churches on their journey to care for God’s creation

Value Life, September 9, 7-8pm EDT: Learn how to launch a complete support system for physically and spiritually healthy moms and children, from the beginning of the pregnancy throughout the entirety of the child and mother’s life.

School of Mercy and Justice: The School of Mercy and Justice (SMJ) is a one-year certificate program particularly for those who desire to cultivate a deep, vibrant interior life with God and engage effectively and healthily in the practical work of mercy and justice in the world. View the recording of the info session here.