Lord, have mercy. How do we respond to mob violence?

Lord, have mercy. How do we respond to mob violence?

In light of the historic and horrific display of harmful leadership and mob violence on Wednesday, we offer this prayer and blessing.

“Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” Matthew 5:7

There is anger. So much anger. And frustration. And weariness. May we as Vineyard leaders and churches call ourselves and our communities to be courageous in condemning the fear-mongering that whipped up mob violence and the symbols of white supremacy that were paraded inside the U.S. Capitol building on Wednesday.

There is no mob justice. Jesus exposed and conquered that on the cross. Ask yourself: “Has anything in the way I and my church practice Christianity diverted from this way of Jesus?”

As people of God’s Kingdom, we do well to continually interrogate our allegiances and to submit ourselves to the lordship and mercy of Jesus Christ. Lord, as tempers run high and relational grace seems to run out, fill us with your mercy so we can continually go low and bear witness to laying down our lives and our privileges.

May we stand in the light of Epiphany—a day that marked the transformation of three wise men who journeyed from a far country. In their encounter of Jesus, the newborn King, they interrogated their allegiances and “went home another way.” The other way is the way that rejects Herod’s call to mass violence. The other way rejects the supremacy of security and the primal power of fear. The other way is the dawn of New Light, the way of Jesus, the secret of the Kingdom of God.

This Way lays down our idols of tribalism, nationalism, wealth, and security. This Way loves our neighbors as ourselves, prays for our enemies, and embraces the radical mercy of the cross.

Holy Spirit, tend to our weary souls and empower us to throw down all other gods at the foot of the cross. Renew our second birth by your fire, burning away and putting to death division, fear, self-preservation, and hard-heartedness. Meet us in your incredible mercy, Jesus. Forgive us, Lord. We surrender to your fiery love.