Sermon Spotlight: A Equipped Church by Jeanine Blount

Sermon Spotlight: A Equipped Church by Jeanine Blount

“An equipped church is a church that can change a city”

It takes an equipped church to change a city, a family a neighborhood… Though what is an equipped and an equipping church? How do we get there, how do we get to be those who change a city?

This sermon focuses on the principal mission that Jesus had, not the bypasses and how as a church and as a people, we also have to do what Jesus did. Follow Jesus mission and take it as our own. Jeanine in this sermon encourages to do the things that have been taught to us by our “trainers”.

Here is the link to hear more about this topic.


Jeanine Blount is the Co-Senior Pastor of Crestwood Vineyard, Oklahoma City, OK.