Tag: human trafficking

Thoughts on Giving What We Have

Today I’m sorting socks. Actually, not just sorting, but pairing and counting. I’m also sizing men’s underwear… lots and lots of underwear. By the end of this project I should be an authority on men’s underwear. All of these are items that were donated by 

VJN Spotlight: How Des Moines Vineyard Fights Trafficking through Partnership

This week, VJN picks up on our ongoing “Spotlight” series of interviewing Vineyard pastors and leaders–particularly those who are responding to human trafficking, poverty, and/or the environment within their own communities and on a global level. Kathy Maskell interviews Becky Waugaman of the Des Moines 

Freeing Slaves: Book Review of Child Catchers

This week, we’re highlighting the interconnectivity between adoption and human trafficking. Unfortunately, the anti-trafficking field can overlook this connection, and many children are being trafficked into the adoption system. VJN member Kristina Gentner offers her review of The Child Catchers, a book that she has 

Haiti: A Case Study of the Interconnectivity of Justice

Haiti: A Case Study of the Interconnectivity of Justice

photo by Christian AlsEncountering the interconnectivity of human trafficking, poverty and the environment can help us see where we might join the Father in pursuing the Justice of the Kingdom.  Experts in migration crises from countries like Haiti to the U.S. typically look at “triggers” 

Trade Justice Mission’s investment into economic empowerment

Check out the work of Trade Justice Mission and their journey into connecting the dots between human trafficking in Southeast Asia and Africa, systemic poverty, and dignifying entrepreneurship. Trade Justice Mission is a non-profit organization responding to God’s call to break the chains of poverty