Facing the truth of historical racism, or not: A look at Yakima

Facing the truth of historical racism, or not: A look at Yakima

Dave Hanson, co-pastor of Yakima Vineyard, offers this history audit of Yakima, WA. After the LA Riots in 1992, Manning Marable wrote a definition for racism: “a system of ignorance, exploitation, and power used to oppress African Americans, Latinos, Asians, Pacific Americans, American Indians, and other people on the basis of 

SPOTLIGHT: Sunrise Outreach Center in Yakima, WA

SPOTLIGHT: Sunrise Outreach Center in Yakima, WA

VJN Steering Committee member Dave Hanson sat down with Vineyard USA to share how God called him and his wife into a Kingdom journey of justice. Originally posted on Vineyard USA, as a part of the August 2018 Vineyard USA Magazine. 

VJN 2017 Main Sessions are here! Re-live “Seeking the Peace of our Cities”

VJN 2017 Main Sessions are here! Re-live “Seeking the Peace of our Cities”

“Lord, have mercy on us, who are sinners.” VJN 2017 was a powerful and rich time of “ironing sharpening iron”: VJN members from all across the country (and Canada and the UK) gathered at Yakima Vineyard in Washington to dive into conversations on the liturgies 

5 days ’til #VJN2017 | Diversity Scholarships | Peter Wohler

5 days ’til #VJN2017 | Diversity Scholarships | Peter Wohler

 A FORUM ON SEEKING THE PEACE OF OUR CITIES OCTOBER 20-21 | YAKIMA VINEYARD | WA REGISTER TODAY  Click here for the detailed schedule For 2 days, we’ll worship together and learn with key Vineyard leaders like David Ruis, Tri Robinson, Rose Madrid-Swetman, Rich Nathan, and