UPCOMING EVENTS: Justice & Church Planting Webinar(1/7) & CauseCon(4/7-9)
THIS THURSDAY: Justice & Church Planting Webinar

Our webinar on Justice and Church Planting is coming up on Thursday, January 7 at 3pm. If you want to learn about having compassion and justice rooted in the DNA of your church plant from day one, you won’t want to miss this.VJN and Multiply Vineyard will host a webinar with Rich Nathan (senior pastor, Vineyard Columbus), Beth Wood (Vineyard Canada), and Kathy Maskell (pastor of discipleship, Blue Route Vineyard.
Register now by clicking here.
We’ll be focusing on church plants in every stage, and how you can build justice in, even if you haven’t focused on that so far. Mark your calendars!
Rich Nathan
Rich Nathan has been serving since 1987, as the first senior pastor of the Vineyard Columbus.
Prior to pastoring, Rich taught business law at The Ohio State University for five years. He is a graduate of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, and received his Juris Doctorate with honors from The Ohio State University College of Law in 1980.
Rich wrote Who is My Enemy? Welcoming People the Church Rejects (Zondervan, 2002), co-authored the book, Empowered Evangelicals (Ampelon Revised 2009) with Ken Wilson, and co-authored the book, Both-And: Living the Christ-Centered Life in an Either-Or World (Intervarsity Press, 2013) with Insoo Kim. Rich has served on the National Board for Vineyard USA for nearly two decades and is currently the Large Church Task Force leader for the Vineyard. He is a popular national and international conference speaker.
Rich was born and raised in New York City. He and his wife, Marlene, have been married for over 35 years.
Beth Wood
After working in inner city contexts in Canada for a number of years Beth spent 7 years in Brazil mentoring and training in local-church based community development ministries. With her colleague Maurício J.S. Cunha she co-authored the book “O Reino Entre Nós” (The Kingdom Among Us) which was published in Portuguese in Brazil in 2003. This work has been widely accepted as offering a biblical and Brazilian perspective on the transformation which can occur when local churches actively pursue the fullness of the Kingdom of God in their poor communities.
For a number of years Beth also coordinated “Projeto Equipar” which invited Brazilian Christians to invest in short term discipleship and training opportunities in Angola. Professionals in various areas such as health, agriculture and development were able to bring much needed professional input to church and societal groups and institutions, while developing encouraging relationships with local youth and leaders.
Beth recently launched Engage Vineyard, a Canadian Facebook group focused on Justice.
April 7-9, CauseCon | Kansas City
CauseCon is a fresh, new take on exploring why the kingdom of God is worth giving your life to. VJN will join 12 other Vineyard ministries and taskforces to invite and help our 20-somethings continue to discern how God is inviting them to join in the cause of his kingdom.
VJN will offer 2 workshops: preventing human trafficking (Cheryl Pittluck, social justice pastor, Anaheim Vineyard) and ending poverty (Josh Williams, lead pastor, Elm City Vineyard).
The CauseCon is a gathering place for young adults to connect with each other and leaders in the Vineyard, inspire one another, and engage in the story of Jesus. Register today by clicking here.