Watch: Webinar on Calling, Discernment, and Work

“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” — Frederick Buechner
Does it feel like you were made for more? Do you hope for meaningful work that is more purposeful than your current job? Perhaps you are wondering what it would look like to have a job that creates kingdom impact in the world. And maybe you still have bills to pay like everyone else!
You can watch the webinar recording by clicking here.
Join us for a conversation with Vineyard thought leaders:
-Kathy Maskell (Vineyard Justice Network, Blue Route Vineyard Church)
-Joe Gorra (Anaheim Vineyard, Veritas Life Center)
We encourage you to prep for the webinar by checking out these two videos on vocation:
- Chris Armstrong, “Vocation? Whatever!”: This 16 minute video this video offers a brief introduction of why ‘thinking vocationally’ matters to how we see our work in the life and purposes of God.
- Amy Sherman, “On Vocational Stewardship”: This 17 minute video offers a wide, Kingdom-oriented lens on how we thinking about our ‘vocational power’ for the good of others.
- How Work, Vocation and Economy are interrelated and why they matters for taking seriously the reality of the Kingdom now, the ‘with-God’ kind of life (think Dallas Willard)
- How discipleship to Jesus is a life-long learning, apprenticing – to live a whole-life, integrated way of life under the authority of Jesus in His Father’s world by the power of the Spirit.
- How our “good works” and our “justification” in Christ matter for the “economy of God.”
Joe Gorra is founder and director of Veritas Life Center, a California-based 501c3 religious nonprofit aimed at advancing the Christian tradition as a knowledge and wisdom tradition integral for the flourishing of human life and society. His writings have appeared at,,, and various print publications, including the Journal of Spiritual Formation & Soul Care, the Christian Research Journal, and the Journal of Markets and Morality. Twitter: @GorraResearch.